The shit blog of Paul Chris Jones

A complete list of all my belongings at the age of 27

15th March 2015 Paul Chris Jones

After three years of living in Canada, I've finally left. Saying goodbye to my adopted country wasn't hard. No, the hard part was reducing all my worldly possessions to just 20 kg (okay, so the airline's baggage allowance was actually 30 kg, but my Victorian-age suitcases already weigh 10 kg when empty).

So over two months, I sold most of my crap, mainly with  and by putting up a poster in my building's foyer. This was a full-time job in itself, except without the pension plan, the petty bickering about who put the office stapler up the bum of whom, and the fact I only worked on it for a couple of hours a week.

By the way, three years is a long time to accumulate stuff. Most of it came from:

Anyway, my hard work paid off, and I sold almost everything, including the bag of weed I was too afraid to smoke because of a traumatic bong experience three years ago.

So what did I actually keep - what survived being squeezed through the 20 kg bottle-neck? The following exhaustive list is what I travelled with yesterday, as I flew back to England. After that, I'll list the stuff I have stored away my Dad's house and my girlfriend's house, giving you a complete list of my belongings.

small luggage case


large luggage suitcase





In the loft

If I'm going to go the whole hog and list all my belongings, then I shouldn't neglect to mention the junk I have in my dad's loft:

massage parlour

In Spain

Just to be OCD about it, I'll also mention that I left a few things with my girlfriend in Spain, to avoid going over the airline's luggage limit. This stuff is:


Of course, these are only my physical belongings. I also have my wordly wisdom, knowledge, fantastic memories, and loving girlfriend and family, but none of which I give a shit about unfortunately. No, the only thing keeping me from hanging myself is the £14,000 of money I have in bank accounts, which I've been hoarding like a squirrel ever since the day I was born.

I also have a shit-tonne of files on my laptop, which technically weigh nothing at all, because an empty laptop weighs the same as a full one. Yep, thanks to today's technology, I was able to carry the equivalent of the British Library in ebooks onto the plane with me, as well as an entire HMV store's collection of music, and a spunk-encrusted hard drive of porn.

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BOO! I am in England for the next few weeks. You are not the only one to get around. Beer? Mike


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Paul Chris Jones is a writer and dad living in Girona, Spain. You can follow Paul on Instagram, YouTube and Twitter.